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Security Labs Experts from Indian launch an automated Anti-Virus and Firewall Bypass Script. Its an Modified and Stable Version in order to work with Backtrack 5 distro. In order to compile the generated payload Mingw32 gcc must be installed on your system.


apt-get install mingw32-runtime mingw-w64 mingw gcc-mingw32 mingw32-binutils

After the installation you need to move the shell-script (, We have mentioned the download link below) to default Metasploit folder (/pentest/exploits/framework) and execute it. Recommended Seed Number = 7000 and Number of Encode = 14.

Note: By default Script Generates Reverse TCP Payload but you can change it some modifications in Script []. Virus Scan Report of Backdoor shows that its almost undetectable by most of the Antivirus programs.

To Download The Script Click Here

Security Labs Experts also released a pastebin. Rest of other information can be found from that release.